DYA Camp Covid Safety
We ask any student who has been feeling under the weather, has had a fever within the past 24 hours, has had contact with or exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or has tested positive themselves to PLEASE stay home. Please contact the office if you’re not sure what to do. The same policy goes for our staff members. We will respect your privacy to the fullest extent, and we thank you for your cooperation.
Sanitizing For the last five minutes of each class, class members will help wipe and sanitize all common area surfaces so they’re ready for the next group of students without a delay in schedule. DYA will provide all the necessary and appropriate cleaning sprays in accordance with CDC recommendations. |
Temperature Checks When students arrive for class, a staff member will conduct a quick temperature check using a no-contact thermometer gun. Students with a fever of 100+ will be asked to skip class that day, so parents should wait to be sure their child is admitted prior to leaving after drop-off. |
Physical Distancing The nature of theatre is such that physical distancing is tricky at times, but please be assured that whenever possible, students will be spaced the recommended six feet apart. Teachers will help with the process of spacing children out, as we expect some of our younger students will need assistance. |